
A paper on the evolution and genetic architecture of a polymorphism restricted to cuckoo eggs has been published in the prestigious journal Science Advances. Several scientists from the University of Debrecen have been involved in the work since 2020.

The graduating students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen marched through the city on carriages and carriages on Friday, in keeping with their almost half-century-old tradition, to say goodbye to the city and the institution. At this year's Yellows Day, almost 550 students celebrated the end of their studies.

The training session of the first group of students enrolled in the vehicle engineering bachelor's degree (undergraduate) program in the automotive vehicle engineering specialization at the BMW Group Factory Debrecen Training Center has been completed. Among other special fields, the participants were introduced to design, machining, sheet metal working and the assembly and disassembly of components.

The plant-themed artwork of Ecuadorian-born graphic artist Luis Guallichico, Assistant Professor at the Department of Ecology of the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Science and Technology, has been featured on the blog of British Ecological Society, too. The work of the laboratory assistant of the HUN-REN-UD Functional and Restoration Ecology Research Group has been inspired by the efforts and dedication of the botanists and ecologists making up the group.

Teachers of German from top-priority German language training institutions of Debrecen’s Vocational Training Center (Debreceni Szakképzési Centrum - DSZC) came to a special further training session hosted by the University of Debrecen (UD) on Thursday. The event also included a workshop for language teachers on corporate communication, organized by the companies British Telecommunications, Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions, Schaeffler Debrecen and Transcosmos Hungary.

The University of Debrecen has signed a cooperation agreement on research and education with the institution of higher education called Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, India. Owing to this partnership agreement, joint training and student exchanges will be possible in the future in the fields of engineering, information technology and natural sciences.

Birds' brains relative to their body mass have grown larger as a result of evolutionary changes over the past 70 million years, according to research conducted by an international team of scientists who recently published a study of the most comprehensive and detailed family tree of bird species in the journal called Nature. An evolutionary biologist at the University of Debrecen, Tamás Székely, was also involved in the project.

The University of Debrecen and Indiana State University in the United States discussed the development of academic and mobility partnerships between the two institutions. During his visit on Monday, Diego Morales met with Rector Zoltán Szilvássy and students at the University's Faculty of Agriculture.

On almost 800 square metres, 80 exhibitors and more than 2,000 jobs awaited visitors at the largest job fair in the region, held in the Main Building of the University of Debrecen. Supply was excellent this time too, with students not only finding positions, but also internships, volunteering opportunities and scholarships abroad.

The University of Debrecen's Institute of Engineering and Business Innovation (MÜZLI) created a double event: at the Learning Center Podium, László Papp, Head of Gartner's Hungarian and Bulgarian Representation, shared his thoughts on the technological challenges of the age, while at the Alumni Party, MÜZLI's Master Teachers and Leaders discussed their experience and career changes with students.